Robby Carpenter, head softball coach at Thomasville High School, attended Dec. 7 an event at the Thomasville Civic Center recognizing the grants awarded to Clarke County agencies by the Ala-Tom RC&D Council. He thanked the council for the approximately $3,000 awarded for a new tarp for Jan Overstreet Field. The tarp was instrumental in allowing the 2023 Overstreet Tournament to proceed after heavy rains threatened the field conditions. The tarp also allowed three more games that season to not be cancelled, the coach said.
The Ala-Tom RC&D Council awarded a total of $101,092.59 in grants to agencies in Clarke County for 2022-2023. The meeting was attended by county commmissioners Tyrone Moye and Rhondel Rhone, state representative Thomas Jackson, other elected leaders, and representatives from the Alabama Tombigbee Regional Commission.
There was also a recognition of the $10,000 grant for the A.L. Martin Historical Museum Walking Trail.

Softball coach thanks RC&D council for grant
December 8, 2023