School system crest

The following personnel actions were approved July 13 by the Thomasville City Board of Education:

(Employment in Positions)
Chasiti McGirt, Child Nutrition Program assistant at Thomasville High School;
Gachel Woodard, Child Nutrition Program Manager at THS;
Krista Harvell, Parent Liaison at Thomasville Elementary School;
Karla Eagleston, Parent Liaison at THS;
Brandy Jones, Parent Liaison at Thomasville Middle School;
Ezell Powell, Physical Education Teacher at TMS;
Candace Powell, Remediation/Intervention Teacher at TMS;
(Rescind Employment)
Kimberly Harvell, Remediation/Intervention Teacher at TMS;
Cynthia Lewis, Remediation/Intervention Teacher at TMS;
Megan McNeil, Language Arts Teacher at TMS;
(Leave Requests)
Ellen Gates, on loan to State Department of Education as ARI Regional Staff, effective July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022;
Traci Hosea, on loan to the State Department of Education as ARI Regional Staff, effective July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022;
(Employment in Supplemental Positions)
Terry Stifflemire, Director of Transportation and Bus Safety Services;
(Contract Principal)
James “Jim” Sims, Probationary Contract Principal at THS, 2-year probationary period effective Aug. 1, 2021, through July 31, 2023.